Environmental Impact

Understanding the environmental impact of our furniture

Understanding the environmental impact of our furniture

We have launched a major campaign to understand the environmental impact of our furniture, to enable us to take action to reduce the impact as efficiently as possible, wherever necessary. Now, we can share these results with you through new indicators on the product pages, so you can make more enlightened choices.



Environmental impact is based on a life-cycle analysis, which measures environmental impacts, at every stage of the product's life cycle. In particular, the production of raw materials, the manufacture of the furniture and its transportation, and end of life. In the furniture sector, the three major impacts identified by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) are the carbon footprint, the water footprint and the air footprint.


A verified methodology

Our methodology has been developed in line with the European standards “Product Environmental Footprint", and verified by Mines ParisTech and Tsinghua University. The measurements and calculations are verified by the FCBA, an independent auditor. To learn more about the methodology:

Download the Methodology
The information explained

The information explained

The footprint shown, is that of a piece of furniture's functional unit. This rating enables the comparison of two pieces of furniture by considering the function served: a table will be rated in terms of seating space, a storage unit by the available storage volume, etc. The lifespan of the furniture is also taken into account. To be able to prove a longer lifespan, numerous standardized tests must be carried out.

The cursor is then positioned on the bar, according to the value of the footprint compared to other Tikamoon furniture, which has already had analyzed. At this time, there is no extensive data on the footprint of furniture in the industry, so we have opted for reliable data and transparency. For more information, you can consult the complete methodology.

The Three Impacts

The Three Impacts

The three impacts displayed on the product page are those identified by ADEME, as being the most important for the furniture sector.

Carbon footprint: This footprint measures greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere contributes to rise the temperature on the the earth’s surface, changing the climate.
Water footprint: This footprint measures the eutrophication of fresh waters. Mainly due to phosphate compounds which lead to asphyxiation of the aquatic environment, by the introduction of nutrients.
Air footprint: This footprint measures the acidification of the air. Linked to emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide and ammonia, pollutants which turn into acid on contact with moisture, and fall back to earth as acid rain. This rain damages ecosystems and buildings.


ADEME: Agence de la Transition Ecologique (The French Agency for Ecological Transition) is a public body founded in 1991 under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Its mission is to help implement public environmental policies.

FCBA: The FCBA technological institute is a French industrial technical center, whose mission is to promote technical progress, and to participate in the improvement of performance and quality assurance within the industry.

Functional unit: A unit that enables the comparison of two products performing the same function. This unit will represent the function of the product. It therefore considers the size of the product (the volume of a storage unit, the surface of a coffee table, etc.) and its useful life. You will find more detail in the methodology.

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